Some people have been on dating apps for years with no end in sight, while others jump on and match “the one” in a single fell swoop! What’s the secret?
The most important decision you will make in your life is who you choose to be your life partner, says Billionaire Warren Buffet. He is known for his extraordinary investment abilities, by the way.
There is a simple matchmaking rule that Author and Relationship Expert, Ramsha Suhail recommends all of her single clients to follow to make the right investment of a lifetime:
*Get crystal clear on what you want in a partner before you start the search.*
“The majority of my clients seek my help after experiencing rishtas gone wrong, through arranged marriage proposals and dating apps alike,” shares Ramsha.
If you want to save time and even unnecessary heartbreak while seeking the love of your life, start preparing yourself before you swipe on a matchmaking app, she says. We recommend the Rishta Auntie app, for obvious reasons. I mean, how could we let you wait around for the “perfect rishta?” Or let real-life rishta aunties dictate your future?
This is better than Bollywood; it is time to pen your very own love story. Start with this simple journaling exercise. (It has changed lives. Literally.) Ask yourself questions like:
What does my ideal partner look like?
What is their personality like?
What do they like doing?
How do they make me feel?
What are my values that I expect my partner to share?
What does a healthy marriage look like with my ideal spouse?
Take some time to reflect on the answers springing forward from your heart of hearts, and write them down in your favorite notebook.
Jot down all of the qualities that your ideal partner would possess, down to yes, even their dreamy brown eyes and personality characteristics. The more detailed the description, the better, shares Ramsha.
Speaking of personality, Rishta Auntie is the first app of its kind that is designed to help you manifest your dream match based on personality!
It is the first AI-powered Rishta Auntie that uses both psychology and scientific research. There is even a personality quiz inside, just for you! Try it here, right here on our app, made easy.
If you are a shy test-taker, don’t sweat it. The quiz will likely take less than ten minutes to complete; the insights you receive will open up a whole new world into understanding yourself.
The easier, shorter path to matching “the one” is by getting to know you. Once you know yourself, you will also learn about what brings you relationship fulfillment!
Oh, and if you want to go to the next level, sign up for expert mentorship, for example, from a therapist or relationship coach. We have our very own, in-house expert to simplify your pyaar ki kahani at Rishta Auntie.
By seeking expert guidance and consulting those who have successfully matched before you, you are saving precious time and energy that will now be focused on matching your ideal partner.
The truth is, without getting clear on your personal must-haves, nice-to-haves and deal-breakers, you run the risk of saying yes to the wrong person. They might make great eye-candy, but their values are not aligned with yours in the long-term. Another downside to swiping prematurely is falling prey to analysis paralysis, which means way too many options and none that are “good enough” because there is always better “on the other side.”
Confusing, we know. This decision of a lifetime is worth taking seriously, though. That is why Rishta Auntie is here: for the simple mission to support, encourage and make ease for you, all the way to qabool hai. Download the app here.
So whether you have years of experience on dating apps or are a cautious first-timer, try the easy way from here on out. Like Ronaldo with his eyes at the coveted goal, figure out who, and what you are searching for prior to the actual search. That way, you will be able to filter out the wrong matches a lot quicker, shortening your timeline to the right match.
In what can oftentimes be a brutal rishta process, you will protect the greatest treasure of all: your heart. The self-trust you nurture as a result will benefit you tremendously not just for your nikkah day, but beyond – into the union of a lifetime.
Ultimately, with this preparation for marriage, you will know yourself at a much deeper level. Like raita is to biryani, saying yes to “the one” will just be a happy bonus to connecting with the real MVP: you! And with that glorious confidence, open the app, create your profile and start matching: right here. Found this helpful? Make sure to follow @coachramsha on instagram for more relationship gems, delivered straight to your feed. If you want to share your thoughts on this article, we would love to hear from you! Comment with your instagram username below. Let’s get to know each other 🎉